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Windy and KML

Once you have generated your flight with SIMBRIEF in "Flight Plan Download", download the "Google Earth KML" file. Click on the button below and import this file into WINDY to view your flight with live weather.

Europe and North Atlantic Prognostic [Surface]

Welcome to our weather page dedicated to Europe and the North Atlantic. We provide you with the latest forecasts and weather maps to help you better understand current conditions.

SigWx Charts

SigWx charts are special weather maps that highlight important meteorological phenomena such as areas of turbulence, thunderstorms, convective clouds and icing. These maps are essential for pilots and air operators to make informed safety and routing decisions.

Europe and Winds Aloft

Our European weather and upper wind maps provide you with information on winds at different altitudes in the region. This data is crucial for pilots, as it influences navigation and flight planning. By knowing the winds aloft, you can optimize your route and save fuel.

Keep up to date with the latest weather conditions in Europe and the North Atlantic with our weather maps and detailed forecasts. Whether you're a pilot, a weather enthusiast or simply curious about the weather, our weather page is here to meet your needs.

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