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What to replace Navigraph with?

One of the crucial aspects for flight simulation enthusiasts is ensuring that their Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control (AIRAC) databases are always up to date.
AIRAC data includes navigation information, airports, air routes, and other critical data for accurate and realistic flight planning.

Instead of using paid services like NAVIGRAPH for AIRAC updates, you can consider free or paid alternatives:

Flight Tracking Software

Free Software:

Little Navmap:

Little Navmap is a versatile tool that not only allows you to track your flights in real-time but also plan your routes, manage your charts, and access detailed airport information.


Volanta is an excellent free option for real-time flight tracking. It offers a user-friendly interface and useful features for virtual pilots.


SimToolkitPro provides a comprehensive set of tools for flight simulation enthusiasts, including real-time flight tracking. It's free with premium features available through a subscription.

Paid Software:


AivlaSoft offers high-quality flight tracking software with advanced features for virtual aviation enthusiasts. It provides a realistic and complete flight tracking experience.

Flight Planning Software

Paid Software:

PFPX (Professional Flight Planner X):

PFPX is a paid flight planning tool, but it offers powerful features for creating accurate flight plans. You can also customize it with specific add-ons for an even more realistic flight experience.



On internet:

You can search Jeppesen Cycle DVD.

Review From Our Users

Excellent App!

Awesome application. The use of dark mode and the detailed search criteria is excellent. Thank you so much.

AthenaGrey, — App User

This App is easy to use!

Excellent addon/program for all flight sim! Thanks for creating it, it's a must have in my book. I very much appreciated.

Nestoche, — App User

Awesome functionality!

Great. Exactly what I have been looking for many years.

Jean Thunberg, — App User
